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The AMF Educational Scholarship Program launched

Rubie Tran

The Australian Mutuals Foundation is pleased to announce the launched a pilot of a planned annual education scholarship program. The AMF program will support education and training that deepens the understanding of mutuals and co-operatives and the power of the mutual model. The training will be provided by the Business Council for Cooperatives and Mutuals and is supported by the Customer Owned Banking Association.

Scholarships are available for employees and directors of Australian credit unions and mutual authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs).

Expressions of interest are now open to apply for:

Twenty full scholarships for an introduction to co-operatives and mutuals online course, to be held between July and November 2022 and valued at $250.

Four partial scholarships for the Foundations of Directorship for Cooperative and Mutual Enterprises (CMEs) that is delivered online by the Australian Institute of Company Directors. The course will be held in August 2022. The partial scholarship is valued at $1,250 with the balance of $1,593 paid by the participant and/or their employer.

Applications are open and will close at 5 pm on Tuesday 31 May 2022.


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