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"Sawadee Khap" from Thailand - 21th Development Education

Rubie Tran

Or merely “hello” for the rest of us! And now that you’re in the mood, please join Drew and Harriette on their adventures in Bangkok Thailand for the 21st Asian Credit Union Development Education Program!

After the success of last year’s visit to Thailand for the DE program by Paul Rosta and Rubie Tran, everyone at Select Encompass Credit Union was excited for the next opportunity and eagerly submitting their applications to be selected. Harriette Williams and Drew Garratt were the lucky two who were chosen to go on this adventure of a lifetime! As it turns out, it was nothing short of an honour and a privilege to meet the people we met and experience all the wonders of both Bangkok and the DE course itself.

Thank you to our major sponsor Allianz, we are forever grateful.


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