By helping establish Credit Unions in very poor area of Laos we are helping change people’s lives like Mrs Thai (See story) to help food grow food and feed her family. Through our International development program run in conjunction with the Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) and the Bank of Lao, these Savings and Credit Unions are helping people out of poverty.
“Mrs. Thai is aged 32 years and married with e two children. She lives in Banna Village, Content in unit 05/Banna, Houn District, Oudomxay Provinces, Lao PDR. She has been a member of Banna Savings and Credit Union (SCU) since 2010. She has share holder-savings of 980,000 kip or 115 USD, and a Savings account 3,540,000 kip or 415 USD, She currently has borrowed 5,000,000 kipor586 USD from Banna Savings and Credit Union to plant bean and Cabbages.
She is a farmer and she plants vegetable cross each season of the year as White cabbage, Onions, Garlic, Bean and other crop base on the season. She have 1,500 square meter of land. The main crop in this land is planting rice. After rice harvest she plants other vegetables.”
Each year she able make rice from 1,500 square meters with 6-7 tons/years. The rice is enough for her family to survive the year. During dry season she use the land to plan cabbage and beans.
From November 2018 she has borrowed from Banna SCU to invest in Bean plantation for buy seed and conversion/ploughing.
She feels that the SCU it is one of the few organisations able to provide finance to poor peoples, it is a place to save money and a place which provide small loan to people among the village.
Helping alleviate poverty in developing Laos.
