The AMF has partnered with the Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) to prepare a guide for Credit Unions on climate action. The ACCU represents Credit Unions in Asia that in turn represent more than 39 million people. Educating members to have a more realistic perception of climate risks, and their own particular vulnerabilities is essential.
The ACCU has prepared the guide and will be running sessions on how Credit Unions in Asia can take action on climate change.
The AMF is pleased to support the ACCU in taking action on climate change initiatives.
About the guide
The ACCU believes Credit Unions can significantly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal No. 13 – Climate Action. Climate change presents significant educational challenges in understanding its causes and consequences.
The guide is a compilation of programs and projects that Credit Unions can undertake to counter the impact of climate change. The guide contends that everyone needs to take part in saving the Earth that we all live on. The guide shows how Credit Unions must consider their contributions because climate change will impact our future and because every citizen and institution will play a role in the complex challenges brought by our changing climate.
The immediate actionable guide or “game changers” in the document are:
The inclusion of indicators on “Climate Compliance” as 6th “C” of Credit
A Do-it-Yourself Energy/Climate Action Audit, which is a simple procedure to help each member develop the habit of caring for the environment. This can be used as a tool for assessing the “Climate Compliance” of members when they apply for a loan
A Credit Union Waste Audit Self-Assessment that promotes responsible waste management
A Waste Management Audit for Business that will be used to assess members’ loans
The adoption of Green and Climate Finance in lending
The integration of climate actions in the Credit Union’s business solutions (policies, sound business practices and training)
The AMF’s important partnership with the ACCU is greatly appreciated. The AMF provides financial support for international development projects in Laos, Myanmar, Bhutan, and Timor-Leste. The AMF provides a vehicle for Mutual Banks, Credit Unions, Building Societies and Cooperatives to assist neglected/disadvantaged children in Australia, and to alleviate poverty by the creation of sustainable financial cooperatives in some of the poorest communities in Asia and the Pacific.
If you would like learn more about the Climate Change Action guide, please contact us via